End of Life Symposium…RESUSCITATED!!

The Finger Lakes Guild Presents…

Catholic Conversations – Death with True Dignity

January 15, 2022 from 8:30am to 1pm

We are excited to announce that, in cooperation with Mt. Carmel House, St. Bernard’s and the Diocese of Rochester, the Symposium has been resuscitated!

COVID-permitting we will offer an in-person option, though either way, the Symposium will be available via Zoom.

We will address important topics and questions around common and challenging end of life issues, including…

  • Why does the Church teach that? (Foundations of Catholic Teaching)
  • Does Hospice mean I’m giving up?
  • I don’t need a Health Care Proxy because my wife will make decisions if I can’t.
  • I don’t want Hospice because they’re going to kill me with morphine!
  • But if I start the feeding tube, then the Church says I can never stop it…right?

…and many more…

Stay tuned for more details to come!