CMA Call for 2021 Breakout Speaker Proposals

The CMA has put out a call for Breakout Speaker Proposals for the Annual Educational Meeting that will be held in Orlando, FL on October 7-9, 2021. The submission deadline is November 2, 2020 and while that seems like a long way out…these things do have a way of sneaking up on us!

So, if you’re interested check out the call for proposals and a very helpful video with some guidance here.

CMA Annual Meeting is Going Hybrid

The CMA has announced that due to COIVD-related travel restrictions they are transitioning the annual meeting to a hybrid in-person and virtual format.  Details are forthcoming.

While this is disappointing in many ways it also provides an opportunity for those who would have otherwise not been able to travel to San Diego to still take part!  Stay tuned for more info re: registration!

2020 Annual Educational Conference

Hybrid and Virtual Conference

Friday and Saturday

September 25 & 26, 2020

We may not all be able to meet in person this year but we can still connect virtually!

Denial of Sacraments Due To COVID

I was very glad to read that Dr. Meaney has recovered from his health scare…and…I was not at all surprised to hear about the drastic visitor restrictions that caused him to be denied the sacraments. This is occurring all over the country, including here in Rochester.

The reasoning for these restrictions is clear and while I am very much in favor of doing what we can to prevent the spread of COVID-19, he sums up the fundamental problem succinctly:

I do not think some thoroughly secular people grasp the magnitude of the offense of denying a gravely ill or even dying person the last rites of the Church. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, including Holy Viaticum, can literally make the difference between an eternal destiny in heaven or one in hell.

Ultimately the secular world simply disagrees…and sadly so do many Catholics with perhaps as few as 30% of self-identified Catholics believing that the Most Blessed Sacrament is truly the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

The question is whether the Church in the US and around the world has the political will and moral fortitude to face this challenge.