Virtual Journal Club…Success!

Thank you to everyone how made last night’s Virtual Journal Club discussing NFP a resounding success! We two wonderful presenters (Felix Rodriguez and Anne Olek) and we were both blessed and humbled to be joined by the authors of the paper, Dr. Fehring and Dr. Manhart!

We had a great turnout and appreciate everyone’s engagement. Lots of insightful questions and discussion!

We are planning to host VJCs quarterly, so stay turned for us to announce the Fall/Winter date!

Cross-Guild Virtual Journal Club!

“The Finger Lakes Guild of Rochester, New York and the Palm Beach Physicians Guild of Florida are happy to announce an exciting new way to connect in these challenging times. Building on the successful initiative first launched in New York, the guilds are collaborating with the national CMA office to offer all guilds the new Virtual Journal Club…” continued


Natural Family Planning and Marital Chastity: The Effects of Periodic Abstinence on Marital Relationships
Journal: The Linacre Quarterly
Authors: Fehring, R. J., & Manhart, M. D. 

• Connect with fellow CMA members across the country
• Discuss timely topics relevant to living the Catholic faith while practicing in an increasingly secular world
• Inspire colleagues to join your local Guild and the CMA by “bringing” them along

Join us on August 6, 2020 at 7 p.m.

Thank you especially to St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry for making Virtual Journal Club available via Zoom!

Journal Club 1/16/20 – Update

The Guild’s next Journal Club will be on January 16, 2020 at St. Bernard’s from 7 to 8:30pm.

The session will be led by Dr. Ontiveros, who one of our dedicated Board members (you can check out the cool stuff he does for his day job here).

Dr. Ontiveros will be leading the discussion on:

Organ Donation and Declaration of Death: Combined Neurologic and Cardiopulmonary Standards by Doran and Vukov, which is from the most recent edition of the Linacre.

Please contact us here and we will be happy to send you a PDF of the article before the meeting.

Please feel free to join us for what promises to be an interesting discussion whether or not you are able to review the article beforehand!

Remote Video Conference Option

If you are not able to join us in person, please consider joining via video conference.  This will be hosted via Zoom with the following connection methods:

iPhone one-tap: (US Toll): +16468769923,,803588247# or +16699006833,,803588247#
Meeting URL:
Join by Telephone
Dial: +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)
+1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 803 588 247

Journal Club Last Night

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our quarterly Journal Club yesterday evening!

We had a great turnout with wide-ranging and inspiring discussion about the technocratic influences in medicine and our society in general.

Ultimately we agree that we can perhaps occasionally fight the ‘big fight’ against such dehumanizing forces…and…we must never lose sight of the ways in which we can, in our everyday lives, intentionally maintain/restore human connections.

Again, thank you to everyone who was able to make it last night. We will be announcing our next Journal Club date and topic soon, so stay tuned!