Catholics @ URMC Meetings

Catholics @ URMC is a collaboration between the UR Newman Center and the Finger Lakes Guild that aims to bring together Catholics, and non-Catholics, to provide mutual support for those working in the health professions. We are planning to meet monthly at noon. We will open by praying Sext (the Midday prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours) and then having an open discussion about either a preselected topic or whatever may be on the minds and hearts of those in attendance. Meeting Schedule:
  • July 8, 12:10 – 12:50, back right of the Strong Cafeteria
    • Topic – Future of Catholics @ URMC
  • August 2, 12:10 – 12:50, back right of the Strong Cafeteria
    • Topic – Challenges to Living the Faith at Work
  • September 19 October 2nd, 12:10 – 12:50, back right of the Strong Cafeteria
    • Topic – Real-World Impact of Physician- Assisted Suicide in NYS
If you are not familiar with the Liturgy of the Hours fear not, you are not alone! It’s quite easy using the iBreviary app and we’ll all walk through it together.