Thank you!

Dear Friends,

Thank you to everyone who offered their support for my talk about Physician Assisted Suicide opposite Tim Quill on Wednesday!  I very much appreciate the (virtual) “in-person” support of those who were able to join via Zoom and for all of your prayers!

I am told that the session was recorded and I will post the link when it becomes available.

In Christ,

Tom Carroll

Physician Assisted Suicide

Please consider supporting our President, Dr. Tom Carroll, as he talks about Physician Assisted Suicide opposite Dr. Timothy Quill on Wednesday, 5/27, from 12-1pm. The Zoom link is

This presentation is part of the University of Rochester Medical Center’s Unmasked conference. This is a forum for presentations about projects around the COVID-19 crisis and abstracts that were part of canceled conferences this spring. In addition to Dr. Carroll’s presentation there is a full slate of intriguing presentations on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please feel free to join any/all that you like!

Full daily schedules here:

Wednesday, May 27

Thursday, May 28

Friday, May 29

Unmasked-General-Program-Final Version

Catholics @ URMC…and Beyond!

Thank you to everyone who joined our Zoom meeting today at noon!  We had a nice turnout and great discussion!  It’s always refreshing to reconnect with friends and make new connections…especially in these trying times!

Our next Catholics @ URMC…and Beyond will be on June 18th.  We will post a Zoom link when we get closer, so check back here for this and other Guild upcoming events.

COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance

This is good guidance from the JPII institute.  There are serious concerns that at least some vaccines for coronaviruses can cause increased severity of disease in response to exposure to the virus after immunization.  So, before consenting to a trial ask:

1. Were animal studies conducted with the vaccine?
2. How many different animal models were tested with the vaccine?
3. Was there any evidence of toxicity with the vaccine?
4. Were the animals that received the vaccines subsequently challenged with the wild-type virus and what was the outcome of those studies?

I would only add that we should also be asking whether cell lines derived from aborted children were used in the development of a vaccine as well.